Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I'm trying to do the right thing and lose a few lbs. To do that, I'm cutting my carb intake down to about half of what I'm used to.

I hate it.

I love carbs. Bread, love it. Pasta, you bet. Rice, yes please. CANDY??? Are you kidding? There's a box of Tootsie Rolls and Pops right behind me right now. And don't even get me started on Girl Scout Cookies. Freaking Girl Scouts.

I want a bowl of pasta with chocolate sauce on top.


Julie Hibbard said...

Watch FAT instead. pasta has very little fat. Bread--little fat. I swear it works better and you can eat almost everything you like.
WEll, not the Girl Scout cookies... Tagalogs--10 grams of fat for 2.
I don't even want to know about the carbs!
Watch FAT not CARBS!

Anonymous said...

I can not believe you have a BLOG!
I work @ SYM now and so I am trying to get with the times and goign through "blogging" I just don't get it!