Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Everyone's sick...

So Jeni, Maggie and Chloe are sick. They've got this nasty cough and basically feel terrible. (I went back and forth between terrible and horrible, I think I made the right choice.)

I haven't gotten it yet. I think it's because I take so many vitamins. I take an Emergen-C once or twice a day. I take a B complex and Juice Plus.

If you don't know what Juice Plus is, it is awesome. You take 4 pills and get like 12 servings of fruits and vegetables. Which for me is sweet. I like fruit but I don't like veggies. Especially green beens. They are of the devil.

In summary, I am impervious to sickness.

1 comment:

Allison said...

So...I added you to my blog because you said you had earned the right...

What happened?