Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Read or watch...

So lately I've been reading. A lot. The thing is, I've been reading books that although fun to read, don't really stretch me. They aren't literature or anything like that. I think of them sort of like mindless tv.

Sort of like tv that just let's you unwind and relax. So my question is would you rather read a book like that or watch tv?

I can't do both at the same time. What do you think?


Nadim Najm said...

TV hands down. with the invention of Tivo, you can fast forward through a show and know exactly what happens... can't do that with a book...

Allison said...

I really love when I sit down and read...but typically, my default is turn sit down and turn on the TV...and never get up

Julie Hibbard said...

I love reading and read about a book a week these days. I usually have a dedicated "watch a movie" night and there are a few shows that I don't miss--I don't read while THOSE are on.
Luckily, the only thing I really watch is baseball AND it it IS indeed possible to READ and watch! Turn the volume down a bit.
Of course, you have a couple of OTHER little "reading distractions" that I do not have! :)