Thursday, August 31, 2006

Things I hate...

I know, I know "hate is a strong word." Thanks for mentioning that. But I am going to start a list of all of the things I HATE.

This will no doubt upset some people (of the 4 reading this) but I DON'T CARE. Deal with it.


Who says I want to smell this, I'm sorry to say it but there just isn't another word for it, crap all day?

How do you know I like the smell you've chosen to whaft all through the office? Did I get a vote? Did anyone ask me???

And I know, I know, its just one candle....but that's the thing, it isn't just one candle. There are so many different scented candles burning in the office right now that I feel like I'm in a Yankee Candle or as I like to call it The Hell Store.

No. They did not. And I am too much of a coward to say anything to them about it but, dang.

Ladies, seriously, let's think about cooling it on these bad boys what do you say?

1 comment:

Jason Pogue said...

Seriously, between scented candles and smelly lotions, us gentleman are bombarded and nasally assaulted daily by things which we have no control over!