Monday, October 16, 2006

Modern Medicine...

You just have to love modern medicine. OK, so, I have this heart condition called A Fib. It's really called something else, but it's called A Fib for short. It means my heart beat is abnormal. The sucker gets up to 200 beats per minute when I'm just lying around. For about a year now I've been on medicine to regulate it.

The medicine makes me tired. All day I drag my butt around. No matter what I do I'm always tired. So I asked the Doctor to change the medicine. He did. All day Friday I thought I had found the solution. I felt great. It was like a fog was lifted. Then came Saturday morning.

I took my medicine and proceeded to turn red. Really red. My whole body. I got hot and itchy. I looked like I had a sunburn. I called the doctor on duty and was told I had an allergic reaction. So now, I'm back on the sleepy medicine and I have to take a fistfull of Benedryll (have fun with that one Spell Check) to keep the itching under control. I'm asleep as I type this.

The lesson to take from this is...don't go to the doctor. Ever. He'll just find something wrong with you.

1 comment:

Allison said...

HEY! my resting heart rate is really high too! I just thought I was majorly out of shape! maybe I have a heart malfunction.