Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Sometimes I wish...

Here are some things that I wish would happen.

Sometimes I wish that people would just do what I told them to do. They'd be happier.

Sometimes I wish that I could TiVo more than 2 shows at once. What are you supposed to do when there are 3 sometimes 4 shows on. Sure 2 TiVo's might help, but I only have one HD TV.

Sometimes I wish I was rich. Filthy rich. The kind of rich that makes you go, "Dang that guys rich." MTV Cribs rich. Bill Gates rich. I'm not proud of this but it's true.

Sometimes I wish I could have a motorcycle.

Sometimes I wish I had super powers. Or magic. No, the Force. I always wish I had the Force.

Sometimes I wish the Greenbay Packers could win a game.

These are just a few of my wishes. You got any?

1 comment:

Allison said...

The "filthy rich" wish is one we have in common.

Oh, and the people listening to me.