Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The perfect food...

I just had a wonderful breakfast of the perfect food. It turns out that this is actually the perfect meal. Two Egg McMuffins and a large Diet Coke...perfect.

If you love Diet Coke you owe it to yourself to have a McDonalds Diet Coke on a regular basis. I think they must have their own recipe or something because it is simply divine.

Egg McMuffins are delicious and good for you. I don't care what that Morgan Spurlock guy says.

I usually try to eat really healthy but every once in a while you need a couple of Egg McMuffins. If you only eat oatmeal and tuna all day you will go crazy. This is proven by science.

Also, it turns out that McMuffins are actually good cold too.


NoBadDaysCourtney said...

McDonalds Diet coke is the most amazing Diet Coke!!! I don't know if it's the straw or the tempature that they serve it at...but it's amazing!!!

Anonymous said...

What are you doing eating Egg McMuffins?? This wasn't a cheat day!



andy w said...

never mind busted about macd muffins, what the hell are you doing drinking diet coke, big busted now.

Unknown said...

I was with you right up until the cold part. JG

Allison said...

when i was little i was enrolled in piano lessons. one night, my mom told me that i could either go to piano lessons or go to mcdonald's.
take a guess at which i chose.